19 November 2021
We had a wonderful evening on the 19th November getting together as Church Leaders across Haringey to worship, pray, and try to hear what God is saying to us about how we can build relationships with each other and, where we feel led, work together in partnership to bring more of God's Kingdom to this area He loves so much.
There was such a strong sense of God's presence with us, and during the worship a number of people shared what they felt God was saying to them for us as Church Leaders. We have tried to capture the main things that came out of the evening. We want to continue to give God time to speak to us and highlight things from what He has already said.
Some of the main themes coming through at the Haringey Churches Unity Event 19/11/2021
Highlights from the past
Real sense of genuine friendship between pastors.
Prayed into real issues facing the Local Authority with remarkable / practical results.
Some things to guide us as we move forward
Belief that like the relationship between Jonathan and David the foundation for what we do needs to be a joining of hearts.
We don’t have to do everything together as churches, the key is a joining of hearts / relationships and anything we do flowing out of that.
Main themes from what God seemed to be saying though the worship time
Unity between us really important
Picture of solar panels (think the sense was that you get lots of individual solar panels but together they can power lots of things!)
God restoring us
Picture of us having ‘tarnished armour’.God wanted to refresh and clean us up
Need to let go of disappointment, embrace a sense of appreciation
Don’t forget past but allow God to guide us forward - we are at a crossroads not a cul-de-sac
We need to ‘clean and oil our ‘’wineskins’’ - this is done ‘in the waiting’
Sense that regular prayer together was important
Need to come back to foundation of prayer - for one another and our community
Need to take prayer seriously
The community we serve
Need to pray for families and their restoration
Picture of fiery hands - what we bless He will bless
God says ‘I am the wiper away of your tears’ - picture of London as a big heart made up of lots of smaller hearts which were us and our churches
Picture of troops in the war rescuing each little boat - sense of rescuing people who think there is no way out
Knowing our identity
We all have 1 foundation - the cross of Christ - need to offer lives as living sacrifice
As we remember 1st that Jesus lovesus and as we can share this with others in Haringey