Prayer Walk: Peace on our streets

Following a spate of violent crimes along one stretch of road in North London, the Wood Green Salvation Army organised a united churches prayer walk along Lordship Lane which began at Heartlands Secondary School in Wood Green and concluded at Sports Direct in Tottenham (the site of the carpet shop which was burnt down during the riots).
It was deeply significant that during the prayer walk we crossed over from one postcode into another and proclaimed that Jesus is Lord over all the streets of London.
Over 24 people participated and those gathered together united in singing, 'He is Lord', at the beginning and end of the walk. We walked in groups of 2 - 4 people and stopped at significant landmarks along the way praying into the local Haringey Council Offices, Magistrates Court, Primary and Secondary Schools as well as other issues that the Spirit brought to our mind along the way.
There was a strong sense of unity and fellowship throughout the evening and since that day there have be no further major incidents of violence on that road that we are aware of.
We continue to pray for peace on our streets.

Major Paula Knight, along with her husband Major Paul Knight are the leaders of the Salvation Army Wood Green