London: The UK's most prayerful city

Londoners are more likely to pray than the rest of the country according to a new poll commissioned by Premier Christian News. The survey of over 2,000 adults across Great Britain found that 38 per cent of those living in London were likely to pray, which is 15 per cent more than the general British public.
Scotland was found to have the least prayerful citizens at just 14 per cent. Jonathan Oloeyde, Leader of the National Day of Prayer tells Premier London's significance as the country's capital is a contributing factor.
He said: "Because of all the things that are happening in London, London is a challenging big city. Sometimes with all the issues around knife crime and gun crime and all the things that are happening, people in London I think, are more open to prayer because of what they deem to be challenging circumstances or situations in and around where they live. "We are living in a 'clear and present danger', sometimes in big cities, where we may feel we may come under attack. That's why we pray more in London."
Of a list of major events from the past 12 months, the November London Bridge attack in which five people were stabbed by terrorist Usman Khan, was the second most prayed for incident by UK residents. The Australian wildfires came top of the list with 18 per cent of those surveyed praying for the crisis.The study also revealed that amongst faith groups, only 38 per cent of Christians are likely to pray compared to 52 per cent from other faith groups.